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Utilisateur:Ahmad mahmoud : Différence entre versions

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Ligne 25 : Ligne 25 :
Researcher at the Center of Studies & Researches in Laws Information Technologies at the Lebanese University (public university).
Researcher at the Center of Studies & Researches in Laws Information Technologies at the Lebanese University (State university).
Ligne 64 : Ligne 64 :
2002 Initiation to Aeronautics Diploma from the French state.
2002 Initiation to Aeronautics Diploma from the French state.
2002 Masters in IT & Laws, University of Montpellier I (France).
2002 Master in IT & Laws, University of Montpellier I (France).
2001 Certificate of adjutant clerk from the Lebanese ministry of defense.
2001 Certificate of adjutant clerk from the Lebanese ministry of defense.
Ligne 70 : Ligne 70 :
2000 Certificate of completion of the infantry training session from the Lebanese ministry of defense.  
2000 Certificate of completion of the infantry training session from the Lebanese ministry of defense.  
1997 Masters in Lebanese Laws, University La Sagesse (Lebanon).  
1997 Master in Lebanese Laws, La Sagesse University (Lebanon).  
1993 Official Lebanese Baccalaureate diploma in humanities (Philosophy).
1993 Official Lebanese Baccalaureate diploma in humanities (Philosophy).
Ligne 100 : Ligne 100 :
Member of Aero club de Camargues, Montpellier, France.
Member of Aero club de Camargues, Montpellier, France.
Member of the Lebanese Scout Association.
Publication of a paper in French entitled: Internet, what liables what liabilities? Published in the Beirut Bar Association legal review “Al-Adl”, 2005.  
Publication of a paper in French entitled: Internet, what liables what liabilities? Published in the Beirut Bar Association legal review “Al-Adl”, 2005.  
Publication of a paper in French entitled:Etat des lieux sur la responsabilité civile délictuelle des acteurs dans la nouvelle société de l’information,published in the Beirut Bar Association legal review “Al-Adl”,2017.
History; classical music; cycling; swimming.
Poetry; History; music; cycling; swimming.
Countries visited
Countries visited
Canada, Corsica island(France), Egypt, France, Germany, Turkey, U.S.A.
Canada, Corsica island(France), Cyprus, Egypt, France, Germany, Russian Federation, Switzerland, Turkey, U.S.A.

Version actuelle en date du 1 février 2024 à 22:36

Ahmad Mahmoud

Email: ahmad.mahmoud @ ;


Since16/10/2017 Single judge at Baalbek-Deir Al Ahmar, Ras Baalbek & Hermel, Bekaa District, Lebanon.

23/5/2014-15-10-2017 Member judge at the first degree tribunal of Bekaa district, Lebanon.

10/1/2013-23/5/2014 Attached judge at the Lebanese ministry of justice (the Judicial Information Technology Center & the Legal Affairs Committee).

01/2012-10/2012 Trainee judge at the Lebanese Institute of Judicial Studies.

04/2011-12/2011 Trainee judge (scholarship from French government) at the law courts of Montpellier, France.

06/2009-10/2010 Trainee judge at the Lebanese Institute of Judicial Studies.

2008-2015 Researcher at the Center of Studies & Researches in Laws Information Technologies at the Lebanese University (State university).

2008-2010 Lecturer in Laws Information Technology major at the Islamic University of Lebanon.

2008 Lecturer in computer software and other digital information technologies copyrights for the students of the Master in International Commerce Laws at the Arabic University of Beirut.

2006-2007 Assistant teacher for the theoretical & practical aeronautical fundamentals teaching courses for the high school students at the Lycee Joffre, Montpellier, France.

2002-2005 Attorney at law.

2001-2002 Trainee student in the framework of the Master of Informatics & Laws at Montpellier 1 University, at the Jougla legal office, Montpellier, France. (The digitalization of the French new civil procedure code).

04/2000-01/2001 Military clerk at the Permanent Military Court of Beirut (Beirut army headquarters, Lebanon) in the framework of the military service.

01/2000-03/2000 Training session in infantry in the framework of the military service within the Lebanese army.

1998-2002 Trainee attorney.


2012 The Lebanese Institute of Judicial Studies Diploma.

2011 The French School of Judges Diploma (France).

2007 PhD in Laws, University of Montpellier I (France).

2006 Certificate of Capacity in Aeronautical Teaching Diploma from the French state.

2002 Initiation to Aeronautics Diploma from the French state.

2002 Master in IT & Laws, University of Montpellier I (France).

2001 Certificate of adjutant clerk from the Lebanese ministry of defense.

2000 Certificate of completion of the infantry training session from the Lebanese ministry of defense.

1997 Master in Lebanese Laws, La Sagesse University (Lebanon).

1993 Official Lebanese Baccalaureate diploma in humanities (Philosophy).


Arabic: first language. French : bilingual. English : fluent. Spanish : notions.

Computer skills

Windows 10; Word; Excel; Access, Mindmanager, Mac Os, Linus, Windows NT.


2005-2008 Member of the Beirut Bar Association Legal Informatics Committee.

• Participation in the establishment of the Bar website. • The edition of a report about the legal issues subsequent to the constitution of a legal website. • Inauguration of the lawyer’s computer skills teaching center at the Beirut Bar Association.

2000-2004 Cofounder, member, general secretary & representative before the government for the Carmel Saint Joseph Alumni association, Meshref, Lebanon.

2002 Member of Aero club de Camargues, Montpellier, France.

1985-1988 Member of the Lebanese Scout Association.


Publication of a paper in French entitled: Internet, what liables what liabilities? Published in the Beirut Bar Association legal review “Al-Adl”, 2005.

Publication of a paper in French entitled:Etat des lieux sur la responsabilité civile délictuelle des acteurs dans la nouvelle société de l’information,published in the Beirut Bar Association legal review “Al-Adl”,2017.


Poetry; History; music; cycling; swimming.

Countries visited

Canada, Corsica island(France), Cyprus, Egypt, France, Germany, Russian Federation, Switzerland, Turkey, U.S.A.