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Version actuelle en date du 23 mai 2021 à 10:04

I am a Counter-Terrorism security advisor and executive consultant for the International Federation - Fighting International Crimes and Money Laundering.

I am the IFFICML Regional Manager and Security Advisor for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).

The international federation IFFICML are working with UNODC under the integrated Civil Society Organizations (iCSO) System,

IFFICML has been an integral part of the Global Compact since its creation. Their perspectives, expertise, and partnership-building capabilities are indispensable in the evolution and impact of the Global Compact.

Anti-money laundering, International crimes, corruption, Police reform, Abuse of authority, Human rights, Countering the financing of terrorism, Fraud, justice, and criminal Cases, Undercover Investigations, Background Checks, Litigation Preparation, Process Service, other criminals, and corruption matters.

Working to fight different forms of corruption, such as trading in influence, abuse of power, and various acts of corruption in the private sector. We also work on the criminal Justice Reform: Police reform, Prosecution service, Judiciary (the courts), Access to legal defense and legal aid, Prison reform and alternatives to imprisonment, and Restorative justice Crime prevention and criminal justice strategies must take a human rights approach and be based on the rules of law. Drug use prevention,